Log In everyone time I use the app
Dr. Andrej Brasko
Recently, it has become a useless accessory again…from everyday/everytime I use the vehicle, the control panel and app do not work as intended. Additionally, lately it has been asking for Log In almost every time I use the vehicle and app. Even when it connects and says successfully, the knobs and the buttons do not control anything in the vehicle. All looks good on the app though. Is there ever going to be a permanent fix to this? If not, I am no longer interested or want this product. Is there a return or a buyback program? If so, I am considering it.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this.
Michael Genseal
I’m still trying to get my refund after returning the “device” (which they suspiciously lost) and they somehow convinced my cc company to charge me anyway even though I returned it and disputed it on my cc. These folks aren’t willing to stand behind their product. Emails they share are bounced back and it is impossible to reach anyone in the company other than here. Of course, I suspect they will delete my post and I’ll be dead and gone before I see my refund!
Øyvind Husby
Sorry to hear you're having issues. We have changed our software development team, and they are fully focused on both stabilizing the API functions and developing direct communication over BLE, which will make the app used solely for programming functions and not for executing commands. We released the latest software update about two weeks ago, so make sure you have the latest version of both the firmware and the software (1.2.49(68)).
I have been using this version myself every day since its release, testing several times a day, and have not encountered any problems. If you experience "loading," a feature has been added to "wake the system" if you press one of the buttons—so try this if you get "loading."
The plan was to test the BLE functions in May and release them in June, but unfortunately, this has been far more complicated than we anticipated, and we are still working to complete this solution. Unfortunately, I don't have a timeline for when it will be ready, but we are working on it.
If you are unable to get the Ctrl-Bar to work after downloading the latest version of both FW and SW, and after restarting your phone (sometimes this is necessary to clear any remnants from previous versions), please email us at: support@greenmissionstore.com with your version number, the time it failed, and the ID you have in the app (found at the bottom of the app page when you click on the "control wheel").
Sorry again for the inconvenience, but we will do our best to ensure you are satisfied.
Alvin S
Found the email on 7 Apr stating that a significant rewrite of Ctrl-Bar will allow it to connect directly to the car. After the update, the phone app is only used to setup the Ctrl-Bar and thereafter it will work regardless if the phone is close or has cell service.
So the big question is, WHEN will this update be out? Please let us know the progress.
Øyvind Husby
We have changed our software development team, and they are fully focused on both stabilizing the API functions and developing direct communication over BLE, which will make the app used solely for programming functions and not for executing commands.
The plan was to test the BLE functions in May and release them in June, but unfortunately, this has been far more complicated than we anticipated, and we are still working to complete this solution. Unfortunately, I don't have a timeline for when it will be ready, but we are working on it.
Mike Reyes
I might dispute product on my credit card too…. Thing has never worked right. Defective from the start and when I try and find some one to try and return I get no answer. Everyone should dispute this on their CC since it doesn’t work. Good luck to everyone. Mine is sitting in a box ready to return if anyone ever answers.
Øyvind Husby
Mike Reyes:
Hi. Sorry to hear it’s not working and that you haven’t received a response from us. Please send us an email at support@greenmissionstore.com, and we’ll fix this.
Alvin S
Also facing the same issue having to login almost every time. Wasn’t there supposed to be a new update that would address this login issue?
Michael Genseal
same old issue over and over again. These folks refuse to refund $$ for a flawed product. Finally, at least, there are other products on the market that do work.
I myself returned my unit (I was given another by a friend to try and make work) and I disputed the charge on my CC. Ultimately I was charged anyway because they couldn't find the unit I returned (they probably turned around and sold it to someone else).
These folks had a good idea, but their software developers is just not up to the task (of course they blame "Tesla" even though their competitors don't seem to have the same issues)
Øyvind Husby
Hello. Sorry to hear you're still having issues. Please check that you have the latest app version (v1.2.49(68)) and firmware. You might also try deleting the app and restarting your phone. If you continue to have problems, you can email us at support@greenmisionstore.com.
Mike Reyes
Øyvind Husby that email got kicked back!!! Can you make sure that is exactly it. Thank you. I would like to process a return for this defective product.